Star and trails

A blog on Astrology


A new start for Flatangle

August 18, 2015

Sometimes in life things do not work as we hope and we have to adapt. Less than a year ago I started Flatangle with the purpose of selling software tools for traditional astrologers. Unfortunately my plan did not work out. (...)

High quality PDF publications with Charts

December 26, 2014

Since I started studying traditional astrology, I always had the opinion that astrological knowledge should be shared. However, a key issue is that a clear chart is essential for both the beginner as for the professional astrologer, and most of today's software are not really directed to the export of high quality graphics. (...)

Primary Directions - A simple approach

November 30, 2014

In my previous article I wrote about Diurnal and Nocturnal arcs, which are essential for the calculation of Primary Directions. (...)